朱林林, 董培雯, 粟 兴, 等.食管黏膜低级别上皮内瘤变内镜特点及病理转归分析.四川大学学报(医学版),2018,49(6):849-853
Endoscopic Characteristics and Pathological Analysis of Esophageal Low-grade Intraepithelial Neoplasm
中文关键词:  食管 低级别上皮内瘤变 病理转归 危险因素
英文关键词:Esophadus Low-grade intraepithelial neoplasm Pathological change Risk factors
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      目的 通过总结食管黏膜低级别上皮内瘤变(low-grade intraepithelial neoplasm,LGIN)的内镜形态学特点及其病理转归现状,探讨食管LGIN发生的危险因素。方法 回顾性纳入2009年1月至2017年8月我院消化内镜中心行胃镜检查、首次食管活检病理提示LGIN的病变共201处(169例),分析其病变的内镜资料、病理转归情况。以内镜形态学表现为食管黏膜病变、且病理结果为单纯炎症病变为对照,运用logistic回归分析食管黏膜LGIN的危险因素。结果 食管黏膜LGIN以中老年多见,男女比约为2.5∶1。201处病变平均最大横径、最大纵径分别为(0.9±0.8) cm、(1.4±1.3) cm,主要位于食管中段(52.2%),形态学上以平坦型(0-Ⅱb)为主,占45.8%,其次是以平坦隆起型(0-Ⅱa)为基础的病变占31.8%。有食管炎背景的LGIN 42例(24.9%),多灶病变占57.4%。201处病变平均随访时间为(10.3±12.1)月,经随访,58.2%(117/201)的病变达到病理逆转〔包括24.9%(50/201)的病变完全消失〕,其中原病变最大径≤1 cm者占60.7%(71/117);28.9%(58/201)病变病理结局无变化,仍为LGIN;12.9%(26/201)进展为高级别上皮内瘤变或浸润性癌,其中最大径>1 cm者占73.1%(19/26)。Logistic回归分析显示,多阶段年龄(与<45岁相比)及病变最大纵径(与≤0.5 cm相比)是食管黏膜病变发生LGIN的独立危险因素。病变最大纵径为>0.5~1 cm、发生食管LGIN的风险是病变最大纵径≤0.5 cm的1.96倍。结论 在人群中做筛查胃镜时,年龄≥45岁,食管黏膜病变最大纵径>0.5 cm,需警惕食管LGIN可能。已证实食管黏膜LGIN的病变,需根据病变最长径分层进行内镜随访,建议>1 cm的LGIN密切随访。
      Objective To explore endoscopic characteristics and pathological changes of esophageal low-grade intraepithelial neoplasm (LGIN) as well as its risk factors. Methods A total of 201 LGIN lesions from 169 cases were included from January 2009 to August 2017. The endoscopic characteristics and pathological changes were analysis. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the risk factors of LGIN. The endoscopic morphologic findings of esophageal mucosa lesions and the pathological findings of simple inflammatory lesions were enrolled as controls. Results LGIN occurred more common in elderly patients, the ratio of male to female was 2.5∶1. The maximum transverse and the maximum longitudinal diameter (MLD) were (0.9±0.8) cm,(1.4±1.3) cm, respectively. The most common location of lesion was in the middle segment of esophagus (52.2%). The morphological types of lesions were dominantly 0-Ⅱb (45.8%) and 0-Ⅱa (31.8%). There were 42 LGIN lesions with reflux esophagitis. Multiple dysplastic lesions accounted for 57.4%. After (10.3±12.1) months follow-up, 58.2% lesions were pathological reversal with 24.9% (50/201) of the lesion completely disappeared, and 28.9% lesions had no pathological changes, but 12.9% (26/201) lesions progressed to high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive cancer. Multivariate analysis indicated that age (compared to <45 years old) and longitudinal diameter of the lesion (compared to ≤0.5 were independent risk factors for LGIN. The risk of esophageal LGIN in lesions with MLD > 0.5-1 cm was 1.96 times higher than that in lesions with MLD ≤ 0.5 cm. Conclusion The MLD of esophageal mucosal lesions >0.5 cm and age >45 years old may increase the possibility of esophageal LGIN. Close follow-up is required for LGIN lesions with MLD>1 cm.
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