罗会强, 曹裴娅, 左宗力, 等.我国老年人腹型肥胖和睡眠时长关系研究.四川大学学报(医学版),2017,48(4):584-588
Sleep Duration and Abdominal Obesity in Elderly in China
中文关键词:  腹型肥胖 老年人 睡眠时长
英文关键词:Abdominal obesity Elderly Sleep duration
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      目的了解我国老年人腹型肥胖以及睡眠时长的现状,探究不同睡眠时长与老年人腹型肥胖发生的风险关联。方法数据来源为2013年中国健康与养老全国追踪调查(China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,CHARLS)数据。根据睡眠时长将受访对象进行分组,采用卡方检验比较不同睡眠时长老年人之间的差异;利用二分类logistic模型分析睡眠时长和其他社会学因素及生活习惯等对腹型肥胖发生的影响。结果睡眠时长过短和过长的男性老年人患肥胖的风险分别是睡眠时长正常的老年人的1.627倍(95%CI:1.286~2.060, P<0.05)和1.499倍(95%CI:1.009~2.228, P<0.001);女性老年人各睡眠时长组间肥胖风险差异无统计学意义。文盲、曾经吸烟、患有≥3种慢性病和社会活动参与度低都是发生腹型肥胖的危险因素。结论睡眠时长过短、过长都会增加男性老年人患腹型肥胖的风险,但对女性老年人影响不大。不良的生活习惯及精神状态也会增加患腹型肥胖的危险。
      Objective To determine the relationship between sleep duration and abdominal obesity in elderly in china. Methods Data were drawn from the 2013 China Health and Retirement National Investigation (China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, CHARLS). The prevalence of abdominal obesity in the elderly who had a normal range of sleep duration was compared with those who had a shorter or longer sleep duration using Chi-square tests and binary logistic regression models. Results Higher odds of abdominal obesity were found in the elderly male with a shorter (OR=1.627, 95%CI: 1.286-2.060, P<0.05) or longer (OR=1.499, 95%CI: 1.009-2.228, P<0.001) sleep duration, compared with those with a normal range of sleep duration. Statistical significances were found in the prevalence of abdominal obesity among those with different characteristics in education, smoking, chronic conditions, and social participation. Conclusion Both long and short sleep durations are associated with increased risk of obesity, which is more evident in older men. Bad living habits and mental state will increase the risk of abdominal obesity.
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